BANDED ARMADILLO ROCK CLUB™ (aka "Armadillos with Benefits™".) 420 Banded Armadillos with a live-fast, die-young, rockstar mentality who want to see the world while they're still young. Sure, they may look like dinosaurs, but they're actually cutting-edge. No other NFT collection marries NFTs and location like we do, let alone has an NFT mobile companion app that rocks this hard.

100 cities around the world. Earn benefits and rewards - unlock unique perks when Banded Armadillos meet up in their hometown or travel abroad. We hope you take full advantage of our exquisite taste in swanky locales. Each with their own specific je ne sais quoi (we've traveled - we know.) Did we miss a few deserving haunts and will some of you feel slighted? Sure - but no one likes a whiner. If you feel strongly about why your particular hole-in-the-ground should make the next list, write us - one-thousand names on a petition and you're in. We are, after all, your digital passport to rock. Write that down.
"BACKGROUNDS not included." Since our BANDED ARMADILLO ROCK CLUB™ mobile app will let you "ghost" your NFTs in the real-world, we thought it best not to force a colored-background on your object of digital affection. When you scroll through the GALLERY, you'll notice that you can turn that silly feature ON or OFF with the click of a rainbow. Pick your own damn background or none at all - can't make up your mind? we'll generate one for you (we lean heavily towards purple.) But for all the AR, geofilters and general adtech features we support, you're going to want to keep your Armadillos in their birthday suits. It's not pretty, definitely not flattering, but trust us - it's so worth it.
Four hundred and twenty of the best looking, most talented, charismatic, #dgaf personalities on the blockchain. They've been around for fifty million years - they're highly evolved - but smart enough to hide it. In that time they've learned a thing or two - like how to score tickets to sold out concerts and live events, how to rub elbows backstage in ways that won't make you look like a noob, how to get upgraded at participating hotels/airlines and what it takes to be comped like a boss at the swankiest casinos, worldwide. They're comfortable in their own skin - maybe too comfortable. But if it's a good time you're after, hang with these guys. - they do NOT disappoint. THEY ARE ...the epitome of cool.
We prefer that all of our BAT ENCOUNTERS result in sweet love-making and cute litters of baby Batmadillos, but that's just because we're romantics. Sure there's always that small chance that someone winds up with rabies, leprosy or God knows what else, but that shouldn't stop you from playing the game. Whatever doesn't kill you, just makes you more handsome. Players gotta play. Everyone's a winner - just not when you lose. If you lose, just PLAY again. Bats and Armadillos - can't stop, won't stop.
Two bats per city - two hundred total. You hardly ever see them flying in pairs anymore. Maybe it's a sign of the times. Maybe it's how Nature divides and conquers. No point in arguing with science and what works for them. Truth is, they're either blissfully lovestruck or feeding their uncontrollable, insatiable appetite for Armadillo. If the Bat-Tracker alerts you that they're nearby and you get caught out in the open, remember - NEVER look them in the eyes - and whatever you do, do NOT run. That just makes them angry. Instead, accept that you're about to get BITTEN or SMITTEN. No it doesn't hurt - unless earning free NFTs hurts. Well then it hurts... it hurts a lot. #winning
Whoever came up with the name "Mutant" simply never understood that yes, NFTs have feelings too. They prefer the name "Beasts." Might this foreshadow some superhero (villain?) -like superpowers - a virtual "Beast" mode? It's not our place to hold these grotesque abominations to any sort of gentlemanly code, but it goes without saying that no-one puts Beast in a corner. Hidden deep in our Terms of Use is our disavowing any responsibility for the sh*t you can get into owning one of these. Keep them in your wallet and pray.
Step aside Jackalope, there’s a new sheriff in town. Batmadillo™ - a portmenteau of "Bat" and "Armadillo." Just like their parents, they swoop around using radar (100+ mph), are armored, have fangs and carry a rare form of leprosy/rabies. Nightmare or superhero? Neither. They're the fruit of your NFT loins. Keep them in your back pocket in the warmth of your digital wallet. They don't eat anything or need much care - but they are {Your token to rock!™} so treat them well.
Since the Beasts and the Batmadillos™ could very well - one day - number in the tens of millions, we're shopping for a home to start/grow the family. We have some ideas about making NFT Marketplaces location-aware, but we're going to hold off until we can demonstrate that our sentient, "location-based NFTs" can be controlled with a geocage and won't start ww3 {hold our beer, ChatGPT!} When you've been around for fifty million years, slow and steady wins the race. We're secretly hoping the global Community wants to help us by freeing some Armadillos to stretch their furry, little legs so they can finally experience what it means to have utility.
Q3 2023
Q4 2023
Q2 2024
The Banded Armadillo Rock Club™ is the only mobile-first, NFT companion app that has its own AR platform, a geo-livestreaming engine, geofilters to mark your territory (or occasion) like the wild animal you are and your very own BARC-Signal to (literally) attract fam who loves you for your NFT/pfp flex. Sit back and track your Bats - enjoy/force a BAT ENCOUNTER. Did we mention our in-app game? It's not that hard - you can even practice, so when your day comes, earning unique NFTs will be as easy as taking grubs from a baby Armadillo. It's an exclusive social-network that doubles as an escape to one-hundred of the trendiest getaways around the world. Download. Install. Register. Most of all, make new friends in all the places on your bucket-list while taking advantage of a loyalty program that rewards you for being a badass rockstar.
What can you say about a team whose average age is fifty? A team who's not only bootstrapped its way to some great art, but four related, interactive NFT collections that represent a new class (or category) of NFT. Everyone on this team has significant experience in a specific area of expertise. Fundamentally, we each believe that utility and IP win, where IP isn't only the artwork or merchandise but which extends to patents we've filed (and those we'll leverage) around location-based technologies, geofencing, adtech and AR.
Our next step is to bring this average down by hiring the sharpest minds in web3. We've already got our sights set on some of the most impressive personalities we've had the pleasure of meeting at blockchain events around the country. Think you fit that description? Click "JOIN THE BAND" (form coming) and tell us a little about yourself. Download our app and give it a whirl. We'll get in touch and explain why we're blue-chip material and how we're going to win by delivering a location-based, loyalty-rewards program that lets ANY NFT holder on ANY chain break their digital objects free from their 6" prisons.
We aim to set the standard for in-real-life NFT experiences. And we'd love for you to "JOIN US."
What self-respecting NFT collection doesn't have its own swag? tequila, bulletproof vests, hoodies and more... Other NFT collections - chrome, My Little Ponies by any other name - they can't pull it off - they're not rockstars. Take your shot, generative, cartoon art - each of us were hand drawn by living, breathing humans who love us with all their hearts. Well, unless we ever drop through the floor - then we suspect they'll figure out something clever to make us sing and dance like some kind of circus act. Never you mind. Open that wallet and spend that worthless fiat. You'll look good in a hoodie. You'll survive the Apocalypse in a vest. We have both.
Will that be credit or crypto?
Banded Armadillo
Banded Armadillo
Rock Club
Grey Hoodie
Banded Armadillo
Purple Long
Sleeve Shirt
Banded Armadillo
Rock Club Purple
Long Sleeve Shirt
Banded Armadillo
Knit Cuffed
Beanie Hat
Banded Armadillo
Banded Armadillo
Rock Club
Grey Sweatshirt